Why a wooden surfboard or paddle board is the perfect element in a beach or lake house interior design project

Ventana Surfboards & Supplies
3 min readJan 10, 2023

Surfboards are not just for surfing — they can also be a unique and stylish addition to any interior design project. Here’s why incorporating surfboards or paddle boards into the design of your space is a great idea:

  1. Adds a unique touch: Surfboards, especially ones made of reclaimed wood, are a beautiful and meaningful element to add to any design project, and they can help to create a one-of-a-kind look.
  2. Reflects personal style and meaning: Using surfboards in your interior design can be a fantastic way to reflect your personal style and interests. Whether you’re a surfer or just love the beachy vibe, surfboards can be a fun and meaningful element in your home. And wooden surfboards can incorporate wood and other materials that have meaning to you or to interior design clients. You can often participate hands-on in building the surfboard, as well.
  3. Versatile: Surfboards can be used in a variety of ways in interior design, from wall decor to shelving to tables. This versatility allows you to get creative and find the perfect way to incorporate surfboards into your design.
  4. Durable: Surfboards are made to withstand the rigors of the ocean, so they are naturally durable and built to last. This makes them an excellent choice for indoor or outdoor spaces.
  5. Sustainable: Some surfboards, like those from Ventana, are made with sustainable materials like salvaged and reclaimed wood, making them an eco-friendlier choice for interior design.
  6. Surf wax smells great: Keeping the top deck of a surfboard covered in surf wax is a wonderful way to add an air freshener to a room. And it’s easily removed. Surf wax comes in all sorts of scents: coconut, pine, cherry, chocolate, and more. Imagine a room scented with surf wax for the surfboard on display!
  7. Usable: Using a real surfboard in your designs means that it can actually be surfed. You can take them from the wall or floor stand and surf them. You can also incorporate into the design project wall photos of you or the homeowner surfing the board that’s on display.

Overall, incorporating surfboards or paddle boards, especially ones made of reclaimed wood, into your interior design project can add a unique, stylish, and sustainable touch to any home or commercial space. So, if you’re looking to add a little beachy vibe to a home or business, contact us for a consultation to see if we’re a good fit. We’ll create mock-ups for any space, and help you design the perfect board with the highest bars for artisanship, sustainability, and performance.



Ventana Surfboards & Supplies

Ventana Surfboards & Supplies has the highest bars for artisanship and environmental responsibility. We build reclaimed wooden surfboards and eco surf supplies.